Why As Parents we need to focus on Written and Verbal Communication?

Importance of written and verbal communication in our lives cannot be understated. Due to cultural reasons or the environment they get at school and home, many children do not develop their English speaking and writing skills as desired. They either falter in their tenses, or do not use good vocabulary or do not structure their thoughts properly. These problems also impact the child’s performance in other subjects in school and overall bring down the confidence level of the child.


English Programs Picture


iWrite is a unique English program that helps the child on all areas affecting their command over the language. It serves as an individualised program for every child and helps in improving their ability to express themselves through the written word.

In this program children are taken through various skill-building exercises for enhancing writing skills in a step by step fashion. Children are then made to write small paragraphs, picture compositions, stories, letters, diary entries, notices etc. as per the school curriculum. Children are also made to attempt multiple unseen passages to help them improve their comprehension skills and also introduce them to different styles of writing.

Vocabulary and Grammar exercises are designed to help children use better words in grammatically correct forms.

How to we Do it - English